Half term has been a total waste of time thanks to the entire household falling ill with the local bug which has struck each one of us in turn throughout the week. It seems that it is now my turn to suffer with the flu like symptoms rendering me early to bed on the one night that we are kid free thanks my parents who are kindly babysitting.
We have all these great plans and ideas but when the time arrives we are peed upon from a great height. Typical isn’t it?
Despite little old Doris waving her fists outside whilst we were festering indoors feeling like death warmed up, we’ve somehow managed to make the best of a bad situation and enjoy our time together as a family. In sickness and in health and all that malarky!
Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past seven days and let me tell you I’ve had to dig deep to pull these out of the bag!
Call it digital dementia but somehow I had completely forgotten that I’d preordered The UnMumsy Mum’s newest book ‘The UnMumsy Mum Diary’. It was a rather lovely surprise therefore when it landed on my doormat the other morning, almost like a surprise gift to myself from myself… I must do this preordering thing more often!
I have since made time to sit and read Sarah’s super sequel ‘The UnMumsy Mum Diary’ and have to say it’s a laugh out loud, straight to the point, honest account of parenting which I can completely relate to. I only hope that Sarah continues to write and publish her future diaries as I’m hopelessly hooked.
Paul and I finally got around to watching the final episode of Parenting For Idiots, a three-part channel four series featuring famous faces such as Danny Dyer mmm, Shappi Khorsandi, Carrie Fisher, Lauren Laverne, Paul Chowdhry, Jonathan Ross, Janet Street-Porter, Sally Phillips, Frankie Boyle, Stephen Mangan and many others discussing the highs and lows of parenting.
It was a fab watch from a parenting point of view, it certainly made both Paul and I feel a whole lot better about some of our own parenting blunders that we’ve suffered throughout the years. If you haven’t seen it already I believe that the episodes are still viewable online, it’s certainly worth a watch!
With it being half term we treated the kids to a ‘movie day’ but found ourselves umming and arring whether to watch Moana or The BatMan Lego Movie both of which the kids would love. We eventually opted for Disney’s Moana which was such a hit with the kids that we gave in and downloaded the soundtrack.
I do love a good Disney ditty but as you well know, there are only so many times a song can be played before it has been permanently etched into you brain driving you to distraction. However much I may have enjoyed the movie I am beginning to regret introducing Moana’s Music to my family!
We’ve certainly made good use of the craft kits this week, so much so that I had to take a trip to The Range to top up our supplies of crafty crap. We’ve created tissue paper collages, sticker sculptures, messy masterpieces and the kids have investigated the scientific properties of cornflour and slime thanks to a random Slime set I found lurking on the top of the fridge.
We were planning on making a Volcano plaster mould and making yet more mess but I opted out after having to hoover piles of glitter, pink slime and god knows what else from our living room carpet.
Thanks to storm Doris who to me sounds like some old lady but let me tell you she’s a feisty one I’ve wrapped up warm in thick leggings, sloppy jumpers and wooly socks. I’m only a tea cosy away from being dressed like an old woman and do I care? No…
And Lastly
As I have quite possibly previously mentioned I most definitely mentioned it as I was seething at the time Paul accidentally dropped the hot iron onto our living room carpet last week resulting in a beautiful burn slap bang in the middle of our lounge room.
I wasn’t quite sure how to rectify burngate at first, Paul had tried shaving the carpet and I had considered completely new carpets then we got real and ordered a rug to disguise the disaster.
The rug arrived earlier this week and I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to love my new rug quite so much as I do. It’s so soft, thick and cosy underfoot, it somehow pulls the entire living room together making it look and feel really homely. I seriously can’t fathom why we didn’t buy one of these years ago?
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
Don’t know, if it’s just me, but I didn’t go much on the parenting for idiots thing, I usually enjoy parenting programs!
Love a good Disney movie and I spotted that book you pre-ordered earlier in the shops. #littleloves
Love the craft time. We saw the lego movie too this week it was fab. I need to get my copy of Unmumsy Mum for sure first one was fab. Hope you are having a lovely weekend #littleloves
a brill book, totally recommend it!
I totally forgot about parenting for idiots!! We watched the first episode but then lost it. Will really need to catch up! #littleloves
its deffo good watching x
That parenting programme totally passed me by, I’ll have a look for it on catch up. Hope you are all feeling better now x
We LOVED Parenting for Idiots – so funny! I must admit we did fast forward the bits with Grace Dent in, after watching her first bit, honestly I don’t think my eyes have ever rolled so far back into my head! xx
She was a pain in the ass lol