Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. I’m not sure about you but September seems to have dragged on and on forever more for us. Thankfully we’ve made it to the end of the month and somehow or other we’ve remained in one piece. Here are some of the highlights from the past thirty days or so.
September hasn’t offered me a huge amount of time for reading or the likes of relaxation in any form. I have however continued reading a few chapters from Alexandra Potter’s ‘More Confessions of a Forty-Something **** Up’ when I have had a moment to kick back.
With autumn’s arrival and the dark nights drawing in it’s been really nice to snuggle down whilst having a decent selection of shows to switch between. This month we finished watching season two of Humans, and we also completed the final season of Netflix’s Sex Education. We then started watching the latest episodes of The Great British Bake Off and Strictly Come Dancing (as you do at this time of year). We’ve also watched Disney’s latest film – Elemental and what an awesome, enjoyable movie it was.
Our little lady seems to have discovered her all-time favourite band and as a result, we’ve spent this past month with ‘Imagine Dragons‘ being blasted from each and every device around the house. As it happens I don’t mind at all as I rather like their music and I’m hoping that they might tour in the future so that I can make a dream come true for our little lady.
Here is ‘Sharks’ – one of their latest tracks which seems to be getting rather a lot of air time in our household of late.
Though we’ve been busy, we’ve also spent a fair amount of time baking and making this month. E got crafty and made a variety of friendship bracelets for her friends at school, she then continued her craft by modeling clay into a couple of cute designs (both of which are now proudly on display in her beloved Art Studio aka our summerhouse). I meanwhile found some almost expired mincemeat and decided to bring Christmas to the household three months early by baking a batch of mince pies – why not? they sure were tasty!
September has been a funny old month weather-wise. We started the month with scorching summer temperatures then within a week we were enduring flood warnings whilst being blasted by a storm. Needless to say, my clothing options for the month have varied somewhat as I’ve swiftly switched from sandals to brand-new fluffy bedroom athletics slippers.
And Lastly
It’s not been an easy month by any means – Paul and I have had to really tighten our belts whilst trying to organise ourselves and our travel arrangements around endless motoring issues. It didn’t help that with routine (aka the school days) returning the kids have also had to adjust and cope with our issues as we’ve desperately tried to juggle their arrangements around our issues.
Thankfully both of our cars are now (touch wood) back on the road and we’ve managed to get ourselves and the kids to and from an array of after-school activities including E’s flute lessons (which she started three weeks ago) and an open-evening where she toured what will hopefully become her senior school this time next year. I can’t believe that E is in her final year of primary school – the time is just flying by.
Thanks for reading my #LittleLoves post, I look forward to catching up and reading through your #LittleLoves posts

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