As you know I’ve been running the #TuesdayTreasures linky for almost a year now and having taken some serious time and consideration I’ve decided to bring the vessel to shore and to step off the ship for a while.
I’ve really enjoyed reading all of your posts, promoting them where possible and building a platform from which to share each others blogs. However, I have recently felt the need to blog on a more personal basis, without pressure and without schedules and due to this I have made the decision to close the #TuesdayTreasures blog linky for now.
I may well set sail upon a new venture in the future who knows but for now I’m calling a day. It’s been great fun, a worthwhile experience and a learning curve if anything. I will of course be continuing to take part in other blog linkies as a blogger myself but as for organising one each and every week, I’ll leave it to those with the time and the ability to burn the candle at both ends without having some form of a melt down.
Thanks for your time, thanks for your posts and thanks for your readership.Â
Thanks for hosting it all this time Rachel. I imagine it must be really time consuming- it’s so hard to fit everything in!
I think you have made the right decision lovely, thank you for letting co-host with you. I’m definitely not a candle at both ends type either x
Awww I’m sad to see your linky go, but I know how much hard work they can be and if stepping back is what you need, then that’s what you have to do. xx
I just want to enjoy the blogging bus I think
Thank you for hosting this for as long as you have, I have enjoyed linking up and receiving some fantastic comments in return
Thanks for being a great host…if you ever decide to start another linky I would be happy to share the burden with you! I look forward to reading your posts on other linkies 🙂
Thanks xxxx
I just popped over and have seen this as my weeks have been manic! Thank you for hosting the linky and I hope you enjoy blogging for yourself 🙂 x
Thanks xxx