Ahoy Matey! Welcome Aboard #TuesdayTreasures
Welcome to this weeks #TuesdayTreasures blog linky with myself and the lovely Angela from Adventures In Websterland.
#TuesdayTreasures is for bloggers from all walks of life, whether you are a parenting, lifestyle or any other type of blogger you are welcome to join in and to share your posts new and old.
The Blog With The Booty
Each week one post which has been added to the #TuesdayTreasures linky is selected by both Angela and myself to share with you all resulting in two winning posts (a winner is chosen by each of us).
Whilst looking over all the linked up posts last week I came across an incredibly inspiring and touching real life story. Intrepid Bebe has a weekly post (Intrepid Bebe asks) in which interviews friends, bloggers and such like about real life issues, this particular issue being cancer.
Like many of us one of my biggest fears is cancer, thankfully these days there is said to be a 50% survival rate dependent upon which form of cancer you may suffer from. However, 50% isn’t enough and we need to battle on trying to find a permanent cure for this treacherous disease through research which of course requires funding.
Whilst I don’t personally know Kate having read her story through Intrepid Bebe’s interview I am in awe of Kate’s bravery, positive attitude and ‘live for the moment’ outlook. This post is certainly worth a read if not to raise awareness then simply to take stock of life and to think about the bigger picture.
Kate (left) and Jo from Intrepid Bebe (right)
Jo (from Intrepid Bebe) is a Mum to a two-year old little lady who is the love of her life (along with her husband of course). Jo has travelled all over the World prior to becoming a parent. Both the journey of her travels and that of becoming and being a parent inspired Jo to start blogging. You can check out more of her posts and her interview series over at her blog ‘Intrepid Baby’.

I would like to thank both Jo and Kate for sharing their brave story and award them both with the #TuesdayTreasures Trophy. Here is the code (see above) for your #TuesdayTreasures Trophy. I look forward to seeing your badge proudly on display somewhere on your fantastic blog.
Avast Ye! (The Basics For Linking Up)
The #TuesdayTreasures linky will be live from 5 am every Tuesday and will close at the end of the day on a Thursday. As with all linkys there are some rules and the full version of these can be found here.
Basically, you can link up to a maximum of two posts, new or old. Please comment on the hosts posts (that would be Angela and myself) and at least two other linked posts. If you can please finish your comments with #TuesdayTreasures that would be particularly helpful as it puts bloggers in the know as to how you found their posts.
If you are on Twitter then let us know, You can find us at @RachelSwirl and @FrugalMrsW, again try not to forget to include the hashtag #TuesdayTreasures. We will share your posts and in turn share the love!
Every week we will each pick a favourite #TuesdayTreasures post and will mention it at the beginning of our linky posts the following Tuesday, so don’t forget to pop back each week to check on both of our blogs.
Here is the badge and code for you to use in your post/ posts which you select to link up.

Drink Up Me’Hearties Yo Ho!
Now it’s time to get linking, We look forward to reading all your linked posts shortly!
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