Lockdown during the summer wasn’t so bad in comparison to lockdown 2.0 during the late autumn -at least the weather wasn’t so wet during the summer and the kids could spend time playing in the garden, whereas now it’s dark, dreary, and darn right miserable. Still, we are doing our best to keep the kids entertained, and whilst clearing the cupboards we came across J’s mini Fussball table which has since been given a whole new lease of life.
Following our fantastic Fussball find, I’ve since continued to clear even more cupboards in a desperate attempt to make space for Christmas, that and to rid our house of ‘stuff’ which we no longer need nor require.
Though I’m not too keen on the sibling squabbles which seem to erupt during the frenzy of Fussball matches, it’s at least something other than the ‘terrible tech’ to keep them occupied whilst stuck inside.