Despite the lockdown measures easing, we have stayed safe, and other than taking a couple of walks out in the woods, through the park, and such-like, we’ve spent the holidays at home. It’s been a funny few weeks weather-wise as it seems to flit from sunshine to snow without any warning. It’s been so unpredictable that we’ve been a little unsure as to what we should wear each day, it may well be spring but it’s not as warm as I’d have hoped!

Despite the erratic weather, we’ve wrapped ourselves in various removable layers of clothing in order to enjoy time out and about in the fresh air, and it’s done the kids the world of good. It’s been a relief just to get out, to see the world, and to finally leave the ‘four wall fortress’ that we’ve been cooped up ‘staying safe’ in for however long. I can’t wait until this virus is no longer a threat and we can get back to ‘life normal’ – whatever that may be…
It won’t be too long before the kids are both back at school for the summer term. I can barely believe that it will be their final term of yet another academic year – where the heck has the time gone?!