The past fortnight has been a whirlwind of emotion alongside none-stop organising for Dad’s big day. I hear that it’s best to stay busy after a loss but in all honesty, there is no other way as there’s just so much to sift through and to sort that there’s very little chance that you’re going to have a moment to yourself for quite some time.
In order to keep things as ‘upbeat’ and as ‘normal’ as possible at present for the kids, we’ve joined together as a bubble with my Mum and we’ve been getting together throughout the week, spending time enjoying meals and playing board games as a family.
During such a difficult and distressing time, it’s such a comfort to see the kids smiling and having fun at the table with their Nana. Although I had expected the kids to be sympathetic and supportive of their Nana and myself throughout gameplay, they are still every bit as competitive, beating us both hands down no matter what the game.
It’s great to see the kids being so resilient, strong, and in good spirits during such a sad time – they truly are amazing.
Thanks for reading. I look forward to catching up with your #TheOrdinaryMoments posts either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

I’m sorry to hear about your loss #ordinarymoments
Thank you x
It’s lovely that your mum can bubble with you. It’s good to have people around you x
It really is x