Though I’ve tried my hardest to take things easy and to keep our calendars clear, it’s been another none-stop week filled with fairgrounds, festivals, Frozen part two and oodles of fun.
It doesn’t seem like it’s going to get any easier with the countdown to Christmas looming, there’s so much going on that I can barely keep track. It’s no wonder that the kids are exhausted, we barely get the time to sit down and rest before we are back out and about doing this, that or the other.
I myself feel as if my head is spinning, much-like the kids must have felt whilst riding the teacups the other day. I’m not sure whether it’s my age or whether I’ve just surpassed the days of spinny-sickly rides but I can no longer cope with the likes of the teacups or waltzers, it makes me feel nauseous just looking at such rides.
Next weekend I’ve planned a cinema trip with my bestie, following which I’m hoping to get the decorations down from the attic ready for the start of advent. The elf (who never quite made it to the shelf) will be making an ‘unwelcome return’ (which I’ve yet to arrange), I’m also hoping to get the tree up and the outdoor lights in place.
I have a few bits and bobs that I’m also hoping to order online with it being ‘Black Friday’, which should hopefully complete our Christmas shopping. I’ve still to write the cards and to get everything wrapped up but there’s plenty of time yet or so I keep telling myself…
What with E’s swimming lessons, decorating for Christmas and an evening out I’m guessing I have another busy weekend ahead, I’m sure I’ll stop to catch my breath (and to enjoy a Baileys or two) at some point.
Thanks for reading. I look forward to catching up with your #TheOrdinaryMoments posts either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
Aww that is just lovely. Sounds like a fun and great day out. Gorgeous photo too x
Thanks susan x
It’s SO like this in the run up to Christmas, I know I’m feeling it! x