As our beautiful boy is about to turn the grand age of ten, we have spent almost the entire weekend celebrating. We’ve obviously partied a little too hard as the kids are both worn out: E came down with some sort of sickness bug last night and J barely has a voice left thus they are both in bed early tonight.
This time ten years ago I was busy sucking on gas and air whilst begging for a c section, I can barely believe it’s been a decade since our little man made an arrival into this World. TEN YEARS! Where on earth has that time gone?! It’s flown by in the blink of an eye and here we are today with an amazing, handsome, clever little dude who now has bigger feet than me and isn’t too far off my height.
Kids sure grow up quickly, too quickly in my opinion. I feel like it was only yesterday that we were rolling around in ball pools, chasing each other through tunnels and tents, playing with ELC Happy Land sets and cuddling up to watch endless episodes of Bob The Builder (yes he truly did fix it!).
Whilst the early days with J seemed challenging at the time, in hindsight J’s baby days were a breeze. Sure, he gave us a run for our money with the sleepless nights, the odd sickness bug and the feeding issues but in reality he was a pretty easy kid and hasn’t changed all that much.
J has grown into the most incredible little man, he is the best big brother I have ever seen and although he often forgets his manners, he is the most loving, caring, thoughtful and helpful lad I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. J has the most wonderful sense of humour, he seems to know just what to say and when to say it, he is gifted with compassion and empathy, his outlook upon the World is refreshingly unique and I couldn’t be a prouder parent.
We’ve made a large birthday cake to share with family tomorrow as well as thirty-odd fairy cakes for J to take to school with his friends. Here’s hoping that despite being at school for the day, J has a brilliant tenth birthday.
Happy Birthday Eve Little Man, tomorrow you will be double digits and a whole decade will have gone by since you changed the World forever.
As always, thanks for reading. I look forward to catching up with your #TheOrdinaryMoments posts either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
Such a beautiful post which made me feel a little emotional!! It just flies by doesn’t it!I hope he has a lovely day x #ordinarymoments
Such a beautiful post. It really was emotional. I hope he had a lovely day xx #ordinarymoments
He really did x
He’s growing into such a lovely young man. I hope he had a wonderful birthday x
He really truly did thanks Donna x