We are half way through the half term holidays and so far things seem to be going really well, we’ve managed to keep the kids sufficiently entertained with trips out to the swimming baths, cinema, soft play, and to the shops where we filled our baskets with heaps of Halloween decorations and goodies in preparation for All Hallows Eve.
The kids have also enjoyed plenty of fresh air outdoors as they’ve wrapped up warm in their winter jackets and rallied around our cul-de-sac on their scooters, wrigglers and push bikes.
As the nights have drawn in we’ve sat around the kitchen table, the dog beneath our feet playing numerous card and board games as a family or kicked back on the couch enjoying Harry Potter films together.
Whilst Paul is back at work tomorrow leaving me all on my lonesome with the little ones, I feel at ease in the knowledge that we have plenty to be getting along with. We have crafts, baking and no end of odds and sods to keep us occupied, there’s also the cupboard stacked from floor to ceiling with movies to make use of should push come to shove.
We’ve made the very best of our time so far and unlike past holidays where I’ve found myself feeling overwhelmed by the children, the chores and the simple lack of routine I feel far more at ease this time around.
The children are a little more independent these days and when required can keep themselves entertained whilst I carry out the day-to-day jobs around the house, that and despite the four-year age gap, they play together fairly well now that they are that little bit older, sparing me the endless refereeing from the constant bickering which once was.
I feel less anxious and far more grounded of late, I’m generally more able to relax and to accept things for what they are. I am not entirely sure in which direction my life is heading but despite the endless ‘Dear John’ letters which seem to be endlessly fired in my direction I’ve held out hope and continue to seek further employment in the hope that I can find focus through a new career.
Until I am able to secure a new position I’ve spent time building new skills such as ‘mixing’ and earlier this evening I ventured out to the local village hall to take part in my first ever Yoga session led by my friend Elaine. I’ve been meaning to try Yoga for some time now and having returned home from my first class feeling as if I was floating on a cloud I will be sure to return next week, along with a fluffy blanket and my pretty, pink yoga mat which I’ve just ordered online.
As you may have read in my previous post, we were given some tragic news regarding our beautiful basset Molly earlier in the week. This has been laying heavy on my heart as at some point a decision must be made for her welfare. On the upside Molly seems to be getting along quite well and although there is no further medical intervention available, she seems comfortable, happy and has a good quality of life for the time being.
Although we’ve had bad news, we’ve kept ourselves busy throughout the week which has been enjoyable as we’ve each had the chance to spend time with our pooch without dwelling too much on the inevitable. To be honest it’s brought us together a little more as we’ve supported one and other whilst reflecting upon our time with Molly. As the saying goes ‘time is too short’ as we know all too well given our present circumstances and for that reason we’ve been damn sure to make the very best of this week thus far.