I’ve never really been a ‘box set girl’ that was until I discovered ‘Desperate Housewives’ which I then watched all eight seasons of within quick succession. I have since found myself desperately seeking further box sets to enjoy but have yet to find anything which tops the ladies from Wisteria Lane.
Having spent the best part of six months watching Desperate Housewives, I found myself beginning to relate to the characters on a personal level which got me thinking ‘If I were a Desperate Housewife which one would I be?’…
Meet The Girls…
For those of you that haven’t watched ‘Desperate Housewives’ firstly seriously why haven’t you? Secondly, here is a little brief upon each of the main characters should you fancy a gander.
Susan Mayer/ Delfino
Bless, Susan as hard as she may try is a complete clutz, a terrible cook and a total disaster in terms of organisation. Her life seems to spiral from one mess to the next as she searches for her fairytale ending.
The typical ‘girl next door’, Susan is a true romantic and is willing to do almost anything in the name of love.
Bree Van De Camp
Desperate to ‘keep up appearances’ Bree takes OCD to a whole new level as she does whatever it takes to keep both her house and her life tidy, clean and presentable for public eyes. Despite trying to maintain ‘a perfect life’ Bree’s life is far from simple as she endures various obstacles including widowhood, divorce, alcoholism and worst of all, judgement from others.
Bree may come across as a classy, well-to-do redhead but she has some serious attitude, anybody wishing to cross her path would only do so once.
Lynette Scavo
Once a professional, career driven lady Lynette is now a Mother to multiple children and housewife to husband Tom. Lynette’s days are spent cooking, cleaning and coping with her many children and the endless demands of Motherhood.
Lynette in all honesty is far from able to ‘keep it together’ and whilst she tries hard at being a ‘stay at home Mother’ it isn’t something which sits well with her nor which she enjoys.
Lynette struggles with numerous storylines throughout the series including infidelity, divorce, financial catastrophe and cancer. Despite being knocked down continuously throughout the show, Lynette shows resilience, deep courage and determination bouncing back time and time again.
Gabrielle Solis
Gabrielle is an attractive and sexy lady whom spends the majority of her time either admiring herself in the many mirrors strategically placed around her mansion sized house or spending her husband’s money as retail therapy to exorcise the demons from her past.
Gabrielle is portrayed to be an unfaithful, untrustworthy and unfavourable character throughout the first few seasons but over time her dark characteristics develop and evolve into a far more favourable role.
Which Desperate Housewife Would I Be?
As I said above, I relate to each of these fictional characters in one way or another, from Susan’s desperate desires for the fairytale ending, Bree’s endless battle with OCD, Gabrielle’s obsession with shoes to Lynette’s determination and stamina as a Mother. I relate to these quirks and qualities perhaps a little too well for my liking.
If I were to have to chose just one of the above characters to liken myself to then I would most likely chose Bree. I am very aware of the struggles with OCD, I too try my hardest to keep a tidy house and an organised schedule. Like Bree, I also have two children (one of each), enjoy baking, am a total perfectionist and being a fiery redhead myself I too am a little on the ‘scary side’ now and then.
As a parent I am probably most like Lynette in that I am loving, caring and hugely protective. However, much like Bree I am also a little bit of a control freak pushing the boundaries and striving for nothing but the best for our children.
I’m not particularly religious nor would I class myself as ‘snobbish’, I’m not financially rolling in it, I certainly wouldn’t kill my own husband unless he really cheeses me off and I certainly wouldn’t request opera Music to be played whilst eating as a family around the dining table.
I’m a redhead with a ‘I mean what I say and I say what I mean’ outlook and a bit like Bree I don’t tolerate fools nor stand for injustice, I’m fearless and feisty if maybe like Bree, a little scary at times too.
Which Desperate Housewife would you most liken yourself to? I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments upon this matter which you can send to me be either commenting below, dropping me an email or getting in touch via one or more of the many social media platforms which I reside upon.
1 comment
I must confess that I have never seen an episode of Desperate housewives it doesn’t appeal to me