Though the World is forever changing, I feel that those of us aged thirty or over have been witness to some of the biggest and most influential changes the World has ever seen. Back when I was a child I’d spend time listening to cassette tapes, selecting television programs from a range of four channels, I’d record programs on VHS to avoid missing a show, I’d use a landline telephone which was plugged into the wall to make calls from, and I’d never heard of the internet nevermind google nor Facebook for that matter.
Not only have I watched as technology has advanced to such a point where rovers have investigated the surface of Mars, but I have seen society change as humans now wander around flicking their thumb across a device no bigger than the average ladies purse either listening to music, watching videos, sending messages, or possibly making real-time video calls to the other side of the World. I’ve also watched and listened to the news of stark and staggering World events and realisations that could and will most likely endanger our existence and the future of this very planet. The World has completely and utterly changed since I was younger and most of that is down to technology…
Technology has advanced immensely, so much so that society is no longer able to avoid the digital age as high street shops, stores, banks, and amenities are closing on a daily basis, leaving us with no option than to ‘login’. Whether you are sixteen or sixty, the internet is now a necessity…
It seems like almost everybody uses social media of some sort these days and why not? Technology has enabled the World to connect and to interact and it’s certainly not exclusive to the younger generations – social media has rapidly developed and grown to attract users of all ages.
Most of my family aged sixteen to seventy are on Facebook and why on earth not? The internet should be embraced and inclusive to all irrelevant of age, gender, or whatever other tick boxes we should happen to fill. Though many may wrongly presume internet influencers to be young, hip and trendy, this is most certainly not the case.
The internet is inclusive to all thus teeming with influencers of all ages and to celebrate this Chums have recently released a three-part campaign aimed at some of the most popular ‘#Granfluencers’ sharing fashion tips, league tables, style suggestions and much more. The older generation is just as ‘hip’ with the likes of Twitter and Tik Tok trends and their thousands of Instagram followers are testament to this. These inspiring Insta’grans and grandpas demonstrate that age really is just a number and that you are never too old to take on technology and to be the ‘true you’.
The World and the internet is a vast and varied place, thus we should celebrate our differences and embrace the technology that enables us to connect.
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