Whilst I may be able to talk for England I’m not exactly fanatical about phone calls and as such dread having to contact companies via the telephone, I much prefer to use Email or online chat as then I am more able to word myself correctly, that and I can swear all I like without the person at the other end ever knowing.
A few months back I encountered a rather annoying issue with my beloved Macbook Pro, each and every time I started up my machine I was being bombarded with a range of random pop-up messages requiring passwords, keys and all kinds of information to be entered before I was able to make use of my Mac.
Having a husband whom is geared up and ready to twiddle with all things technical I could have asked him to help but knowing that he isn’t mad about Macs like myself I decided to avoid the ribbing he’d no doubt give me and cut to the chase by contacting Apple directly.
I began by finding their Customer Care website and entering my information and issues into a direct chat which resulted in a rapid response. Not only were they willing to help but they were also willing to pay for the phone call which would guide me through the steps required to solve my ‘peed off with pop ups situation’.
Having spoken to a rather kind and caring bloke whose name I cannot recall I was reassured that this issue was simple to solve requiring a quick connection to their technical team. Having connected my Macbook to the Apple technical crew I watched in awe as my screen was ‘taken over’ by the tech team, their mouse pointers at the ready to show me ‘how to’. I initially expected Apple to remotely repair my problems leaving me as a bystander, it took me by surprise therefore when they asked me to carry out a number of tasks following their guidance.
It wasn’t that they were unable to remotely access or to repair my issues, it was because they actually wanted to educate me and to show me how to put an end to my issues that they requested I should follow their guidance under their watch so that I could independently solve any future problems.
I guess this works both ways as not only am I learning a new skill and building confidence and knowledge in my use of Macs but I am also saving their time in the future should I encounter similar issues.
As I said above I’m not usually fond of telephone conversations but on this occasion Apple made the job easy, they were really understanding and seemed genuinely interested in solving my issues. To be honest prior to contacting Apple I had half expected for them to ask for my Mac to be sent to them or taken into a shop for repair no doubt costing me a fortune, it was therefore a pleasant surprise to find their customer service to be so helpful, friendly and caring.
It took quite some time to complete repairing my Mac but having followed their instructions we then carried out countless checks to ensure that my issue was no longer. The pop ups were no longer and my Mac was back!
It’s surprising how caring and constructive Customer Service providers can be, although it can often be tricky locating companies contact addresses, numbers and such like. Other than googling companies information you can also search for companies contact information using CCSN (www.contactcustomerservicesnumber.co.uk)Â a site dedicated to sourcing solutions for customers Worldwide.
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Like you I would much rather email or use online chat as I find I am better at typing than talking sometimes. Funny as I used to work in a call centre for years so I know the kind of things to say to the adviser to try and get them to help you x
Yeh it’s one of those but apple were actually fab!