So it’s the end of April already, it seems it was yet another month that flew by at lightning speed though it wasn’t half bad all in all. Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past thirty days or so. Read Given that I spent the first half of this month reading through a mountain of GCSE coursework, I’ve tended to stay clear of further books or texts for the time being. I have however purchased a couple of Textiles-based books which I am sure I will put to use shortly, though I’ve opted to give myself a …
workin moms
I seem to have lost all sense of time of late – I’m forever checking the day, and the date to check where I am in the month and by’eck May sure flew by quickly! To celebrate what was a very short-lived month, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past few weeks. Read It’s high time that I stopped promising myself that I’ll read a book each month. Though I read physical books with my children on a daily basis, my own reading tends to be screen-based these days; whether it’s the news, or online articles (which …
Can you believe that we are at the end of June already?! Despite the pandemic making most days much like Groundhog Day, time sure seems to be whizzing by of late. It’s quite satisfying looking back at all that we’ve done over the past thirty days, so without further ado here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout June The Half Term Holidays Though it feels like a lifetime ago, half term was only three weeks back and we had such a great week. Not only did Paul and I manage to blast through a tonne …
And so here we are at the end of June already – how did that happen? Somehow weeks are melting into months and time seems to be slipping by like sand through a sieve. Without further ado, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past month. Read I won’t lie, other than flicking through my monthly magazine subscriptions, I haven’t done a great deal of reading this month. I really ought to get back into my books but I simply haven’t had the time nor the energy to be bothered of late. Watched It’s been a great month …
I don’t always find it easy writing lists of the things that I have ‘liked and loved’ throughout the month, especially so during 2020. This year has brought so much sorrow and upset, it’s often difficult to dredge through the despair to find the light within the dark. However, this month I have made a concerted effort (not only for the kids but also for myself) to smile and to celebrate the magic moments where and when possible – Here are a few of the moments which I have ‘liked and loved’ throughout the month of May. Js 11th Birthday …