Welcome to what will be the final week of the #MySundaySnapshot blog series for 2019. I cannot believe that I began this linky a whole year ago, how time flies! I’ve really enjoyed sharing, viewing and commenting upon everyone’s snaps throughout the year. #MySundaySnapshot will continue throughout 2020, I’d love for you to join in. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. Following what was a fantastic Christmas, we’ve now cleared away the Christmas clutter and are looking forward to bringing in the New Year. As always, I will be taking …
wish list
It’s probably not the best time to ask the kids to write their letters and wishlists to Santa given that we’ve bought, wrapped and sorted all of the presents for Christmas this year but ’tis tradition’ and therefore that’s precisely what we did last night. Thankfully, almost everything that both J & E wrote onto their lists is either wrapped and hidden here or with either one of their Grandparents ready for the big day, Phew! Once written, we rolled up each of their lists and placed them into stockings for the Elf to take back to Santa (and his …
It’s got to that time of the year when my husband has started to fashion a look of panic on his face. That’s right folks, it’s almost time for him to try and remember my Amazon details, so that he can actually locate a list of ideas to save him the present purchasing stress. Most blokes tend to hit the high street at around 2-3pm on Christmas Eve, my husband however has learnt from experience that shopping on Christmas Eve is far from festive nor enjoyable by any measure. I have therefore taken the time to put together a rather …
With Spring just around the corner I thought I ought to take a look back at my ‘Winter Wish List‘ and to review and to reflect upon this. I originally listed fifteen points which I specifically explained were ‘wishes for the winter’ rather than expectations. Heres the points listed and a little feedback on how I got along with these. I’m sure that there will be a few points transferred over to my bucket list for the Spring for me to continue working upon and as always, hoping and wishing for. To make use of my riding voucher by …
Rather than a bucket list, I’ve decided to write a wish list of the things that I would like to do throughout the winter. Instead of ticking boxes from bucket lists as I have done in the past I will simply list a number of wishes which may or may not happen without any pressure. So without further ado, here are a few of the things that I would like to do throughout the winter should the opportunity arise. To make use of my riding voucher by going for a beach ride on the local shore. My husband very kindly bought …