Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one bar February with twenty-eight or twenty-nine days dependent on the leap year and January which seems to have three thousand… January sure has dragged, I’m aware that people often refer to this particular month as ‘the blue month’ and I can absolutely see why! Though the glass seems more than half empty at this point, I’ve managed to scrape together some positive points from the past however many days (it feels like January has gone on forever) so without any further waffle, here are some of my #LittleLoves…
winter wear
It’s been yet another ‘Manic Monday’ with after-school clubs, hair appointments, the household chores and a husband suffering from what appears to be flu. I wouldn’t mind being so busy if it weren’t for the freezing, wet weather – I’m forever layering up and moments later layering down as I whisk in and out of the house. I feel as I’ve been back and forth all day never quite getting warm before venturing back out into the cold. The kids must be mad as they are quite happy to head out in just a jumper, they don’t seem to feel…
February is technically the shortest month in the year, yet it seemed to drag somewhat which feels a little unusual as I’m forever mentioning how time flies. We’ve certainly not stopped throughout this month, both Paul and I have run ourselves ragged trying to get as much as we possibly can done and dusted around the house and we still have plenty to work on. Without any further waffle, here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved during February. Fourteen Years Together & Valentines Day Having met and started dating on 13th February 2005, Paul and I have…