So here we are at the end of yet another month. February may well be a short month but it’s sure flown by! Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past twenty-however-many days. Read Having completed Adam Silvera’s Death-Cast series, I decided to explore some of his previous books and ended up ordering ‘History Is All You Left Me’. Though it took me a week or two to make progress with this book, I’ve finally got myself into the story and, I’m now a couple of chapters into reading History Is All You Left Me. Watched After a …
winter jacket
I don’t mean to come across as a negative Nancy but I’m so relieved that January is finally done, dusted and swept under the carpet for another year. It’s never been one of my favoured months, what with the sudden removal of the twinkly lights following Christmas, and the dark, dank weather – I am not a winter woman! With that said, here are some of the things that I have LikedandLoved throughout the past thirty-one days. Happy New Year We started the new year with a bang as we stayed at my Mum’s for the night to celebrate (into the …