So here we are at the end of March already and goodness, what a busy but brilliant month it has been! With just two days to go until the Easter holidays commence, I’m looking forward to being able to wind down and relax a little for the next fortnight, though I’ve got plenty planned including a few day trips alongside painting and wallpapering the living room, so it might not be all that relaxing after all. Here are a few of the things that I have #LikedandLoved during March 2022. World Book Day World Book Day is always high on …
washing machine
As far as I’m concerned, today simply didn’t happen. The past twenty-four hours have utterly sucked from start to finish and as much as I try to look on the bright side, there ain’t no silver lining on this cloudy day. It all began late last night when my husband alerted me to the fact that our washing machine was no longer. I wasn’t entirely sure how to wash and dry three loads without a machine and so called upon our good friend to assist us in repairing said lemon. Unfortunately, he was unable to drop by until today, leaving …