Whilst most kids were excitedly getting themselves costumes and caper to dress themselves up in to celebrate world book week, my kids, on the other hand, were busy ransacking my cupboards for fruit and veg to paint and decorate… No costumes were required (nor have been required for over two years now) as the kids were instead asked to decorate a piece of fruit or veg as a character from a book.. Actually as a parent it’s quite a relief not to have the stress and cost of costume creation, my kids however thought it was all a load of …
We are forever encouraging our little ones to eat more fruit and veg. In all honesty they are pretty good with their fruit, it’s just the vegetables we need to work upon. Thankfully we are able to fool both J and E into eating almost ten vegetables in one sitting through the power of soup. Oh soup, it’s such a wonderful dish especially during the autumn months. We really ought to make more soup, at least try a wider range of recipes as the children seem fixated upon one specific soup which although I adore, can become tiresome at times. …