It feels as if Christmas and the New Year celebrations were decades ago, January has certainly been a lonnnnng month! To celebrate the month finally coming to a close, here are a few of the things that my family and I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past three-hundred-and-one thirty-one days. New Years Day New Year’s Eve was spent keeping the kids entertained with a variety of movies, rounds of karaoke, and games with genuine cash prizes which certainly spiked their interest. We then celebrated the arrival of 2023 by sharing a meal and a few drinks with our family before carrying …
tumble dryer
It must be stressful in our household as our appliances seem to have taken up smoking! It all began on Saturday whilst Paul was enjoying a casual vape by the back door, when for no reason whatsoever his ‘Cool Fire IV’ vape suddenly took up smoking and set alight. Whilst the vape may have been dubbed as a ‘CoolFire’ there was certainly nothing ‘Cool’ about this particular fire! Paul didn’t seem to know what to do at first and was juggling the vape between his hands much like a game of hot potato. I shouted at him to “throw it outside” and a moment …