Though I usually love the autumn months, this year has been an exception to the rule for numerous reasons. Whilst October usually whizzes by in the blink of an eye, this year the days seem to have dragged by and in all fairness, I can’t say it’s been that much fun at all, though I’m hoping the kids feel otherwise as we’ve done our best to be all smiles for their sakes. Despite the dreary, wet, and rather miserable weather we’ve done our best to keep the kids entertained and enthusiastic throughout the month, here are a few of the …
tori amos tour
So here we are at the end of another month, is it just me or is this year flying by? Thankfully the summer holidays have now arrived offering us a six-week welcome break from the rigmarole of the regular routine, thus we’ve been busy catching up with ourselves whilst juggling renovation work. It has most certainly been a busy, busy month, here are a few of the many things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout July. A Dainty Dresser I foolishly purchased a second-hand, upcycled shabby-chic dresser last year which had been painted in grey and at the time seemed to …