This month has seen both the kids and us adults make a staggered but swift return to routine, I won’t lie – I wasn’t entirely keen on the idea of schools returning on such a large scale as I still don’t feel nor believe that it’s safe as of yet, not until all age groups have been given the vaccine and case numbers are far lower than at present will I allow myself to relax upon the issue. Nevertheless, the kids are both back at school and despite a few worries and wobbles that they each had, they seem to …
It’s currently the February half-term holidays and as we technically cannot go anywhere or do much of anything as we are still ‘living in lockdown’, we’ve done our best to have a holiday at home. The kids are rather enjoying having a break from the books and I’m hoping that it won’t be too long before we can return to normality. Though I’m getting a little tired of refereeing the enitvitable sibling squabbles which seem to arise from time to time, the odd argument here and there is hardly surprising given that we’re all stuck sharing the same four walls …