I seem to have lost all sense of time of late – I’m forever checking the day, and the date to check where I am in the month and by’eck May sure flew by quickly! To celebrate what was a very short-lived month, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past few weeks. Read It’s high time that I stopped promising myself that I’ll read a book each month. Though I read physical books with my children on a daily basis, my own reading tends to be screen-based these days; whether it’s the news, or online articles (which …
And just like that, my son is officially a teenager. Boy, those thirteen years sure flew by quickly! Whilst I’d toyed with the idea of waking J extra early this morning to allow for time to open all his gifts, I decided against doing so as I figured he’d be too tired and would not only appreciate the extra minutes in bed but would most likely rather open his gifts with his family later this afternoon. J came downstairs at the usual time this morning, he then opened a few bits and pieces whilst eating breakfast with his sister then …
If you’re the parent of a teenager, then you’ll appreciate that this can be a very important time in their lives. Not only are they sometimes a hormonal wreck, but they’re also faced with tackling everything from exams to learning to how to drive and handling the life lessons we all go through at this age. You’ll also want to support them as well as you can to help put them in good stead for later life, and as such, it can be a good idea to teach them a little about financial responsibility. While there’s the basic – but …