Just like that July has come and gone – I swear I blink and a week passes me by! Here are just a few of the many things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past month. The Summer Holidays The summer has finally arrived! Whilst I love routine, I also love throwing it out of the window and living for the moment, which is precisely what we plan to do for the next six weeks. We began our holidays by heading into town to do a little shopping. To our surprise, there just so happened to be a classic motor …
teachers award
It’s been a week of celebration for the family, Paul and I became an Auntie and Uncle again following the birth of our beautiful new niece. I cannot wait to meet her! Meanwhile the kids celebrated their academic success at their recent presentation ceremony where E scooped a teachers award! J meanwhile picked up a well-deserved book prize for his fantastic progress. It was awesome to watch both J & E take to the stage to collect their medals, books, and certificates. Though being the emotionally mushy, proud parent that I am, I couldn’t help but shed a tear or …
Can you believe July is done and dusted? Another month has flown by in the blink of an eye and I don’t really feel as if we’ve done a great deal in all honesty, I have however found a few things that I have ‘Liked and Loved‘ which I have chosen to share. Swimming With the summer holidays having arrived Paul and I have finally had the time to take the kids swimming, something which we all equally enjoy. We recently swapped E’s beloved arm bands for a Konfidence Swim Vest and since doing so we’ve found that her swimming …