Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. May has been quite a busy month under this roof of ours. Both J and E have been occupied revising and sitting various examinations whilst Paul and I have kept ourselves busy decorating and updating a few bits and bats around the house. Alongside all that we’ve celebrated birthdays, fresh starts, and new beginnings… so without further ado, here are a few of my #LittleLoves for the past thirty-one days. Read I picked up a copy of JoJo Moyes ‘Me Before You’ …
September has been a really difficult month emotionally, physically, financially, and in every which way. Given that it’s been more than a struggle to make it through the past four weeks or so, here are a few of the things that we have #LikedandLoved from what was a very poor month. A Return To Routine September saw us return to our regular routine, though it was somewhat staggered as Paul and I went back to work at the very beginning of the month, followed by E who started her final year of primary school, and then finally J started in …
As I said in my previous post, weekends simply aren’t long enough! It doesn’t matter how hard we try to get everything done and dusted there’s always appointments, places to be and things to do either in or out of the house. If I were to list of all the things that we do over the weekend, I’d either bore you to tears or waste quite a few sheets of A4 paper. I am well aware that our schedule is a little squeezed over the weekend yet the kids are quite happy to muck in and to do their bit. …
We are now half way through the holidays, the kids sure seem to be enjoying their time off as are Paul and I for that matter. We don’t do things by halves in this household though and rather than relaxing , we’ve given ourselves a heap of hard work by adding a further four paws to our family. I have to admit that having a puppy is much like having a newborn only without the lady related issues. We’ve found ourselves having to stick to a strict routine as toilet training, feeding schedules and keeping our two fur babies content …