Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. May has been quite a busy month under this roof of ours. Both J and E have been occupied revising and sitting various examinations whilst Paul and I have kept ourselves busy decorating and updating a few bits and bats around the house. Alongside all that we’ve celebrated birthdays, fresh starts, and new beginnings… so without further ado, here are a few of my #LittleLoves for the past thirty-one days. Read I picked up a copy of JoJo Moyes ‘Me Before You’ …
squidgy chocolate log
So here it is, the final Friday of December 2022. Another year has passed us by and whilst I’d love to tell you that it’s been a good one, I’m still trying to process and make sense of much of it. Whilst I’m a fan of even numbers (I’m sure I have some form of OCD) I can’t say likewise for the years which have been ‘even’ in number. Let’s take 2020 for example; it was meant to be the year of clarity, clear vision, and Worldwide success yet we all know how that ended… 2022 was similar in some …
And here we are at the end of May already, which seems to have come by quite quickly considering that we have spent the past ten weeks or more living in ‘lockdown limbo’. Despite every aspect of my life seemingly falling apart over the past few months, I’m choosing to stay smiling, even though that requires a forced grimace for the most part. Here, therefore are a few of my #LittleLoves from the month of May. Read It’s astonishing just how much comes to light during the darkest of times, tough times call for your true self – when things …
With less than twenty-four hours until Santa makes his deliveries, we’ve been, busy, busy. I’ve spent time cooking, cleaning and prepping for a family buffet whilst the kids have enjoyed endless amounts of festive television. I made my annual twenty-four mince pies and Delia Smith’s Squidgy Chocolate Log, both of which turned out to be pretty impressive this year! As is tradition, we then sat as a family to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol, we’ve watched it that many times that both Paul and I were able to repeat the film word for word. It was then time to pop open …