To make our Saturday a little easier Paul and I chose to split our parenting duties into ‘gender duos’, I took E along to her class friends birthday party whilst Paul took J to the beach with the basset for some ‘boys time’. E has yet to make the drive into town without losing her lunch; the fifty minute drive along the windy roads is enough to send anyones stomach skew-whiff never mind having to put up with the plethora of potholes dotted here, there and everywhere along the way. Rather than stress about the inevitable sickness, we opted to …
soft play
The first week of the Easter break is officially over. It’s been great having the kids at home, they’ve really needed the rest after working and of course playing so hard at School and Nursery. Despite our shifts at work and the mixed weather we seem to be having, we’ve done our very best to keep the kids entertained both inside and out over the week. J and E have enjoyed numerous walks out to the beach and trips to the park. It’s so lovely to be able to do things as and when without the pressures of the daily grind. I’m …
I have come to the conclusion that a four-year age gap between children is definitely the way to go. It’s not as if we ever planned on a specific age gap, it was simply that we got what we were given. I am currently sat at a table watching my two kids run around yet another soft play centre, it’s the Easter holidays after all and whilst the sun may be shining, it’s still fa-fa-freezing outside! Once upon a time I would have been haring around the soft play structure at the speed of light keeping my little man company …
For some reason Wednesday is now referred to online as ‘Hump Day’, I’m not entirely sure as to why they call it this, but having my brain in the gutter, I picture Wednesday’s to be the day when we are all meant to be at it like rabbits, humping away to our hearts contents. Obviously, I realise it’s because Wednesday is deemed as the half way point and so you’re over the ‘hump of the week’. Personally, I’m usually in a hump by Wednesday, this week I sure as hell am! It’s half term, I’ve never really understood why parents …