And just like that, I’ve been blogging for six years straight. So much has changed since I first chose a domain name and first began navigating my way around the features and functions of WordPress, yet it doesn’t feel as if it’s been all that long since I first pressed ‘publish’ and shared posts with the public. Whilst Id originally intended to document the ups and downs of parenting, I soon found my posts expanded to touch upon topics such as lifestyle, decor, house and home, photography, World issues, day-to-day updates, and even review writing. Though I often worry that …
sixth birthday
After a splendid six week holiday, summer has come to a close, as has August. We’ve certainly had a super-busy, fun-filled month. Here are just a few of the highlights which I have #LikedandLoved during that time. Crete Although it wasn’t the holiday we’d expected, we made the best of a very bad situation and after hiring a car (and getting the heck out of the hotel) we enjoyed beach strolls, evenings out and hopping around Hersonissos. My Thirty-something Birthday I’ll be honest; I wasn’t entirely happy about turning another year older. I’m creeping far too close to forty for …
August has certainly flown by, it’s been busy, busy, busy in our household with holidays, birthdays, celebrations, meals out, trips away and family visits. We’ve not really had much time to stop, that’s kind of how I like it though! Here’s some of my #LittleLoves from the past month… Read Forgive me for I have sinned, I haven’t read a single book this month. I’ve flicked through plenty of magazines, blog articles and such-like, but haven’t picked up a book as I’ve just been way too busy! I have however been reading books to the children before bed; J is …
Our beautiful, little Princess turned the grand age of six-years-old today. I’m not sure where exactly the time went to, but E is no longer a baby, nor a toddler, she’s now a fully-fledged all-singing, all-dancing, little diva and I couldn’t be prouder of our Princess. Over the years I’ve celebrated E’s birthday by writing letters and sharing photos on this here blog. However, I recently read a beautiful post written by Natalie from ‘Confessions of a Crummy Mummy‘ sharing her eight wishes for her daughter’s eighth birthday, and I decided I’d ‘borrow’ this idea… So without further ado, here …