Our daily lives have become completely dependent on our smartphones, from keeping in touch with loved ones to organizing our schedules to conducting financial transactions. Security concerns are now a major concern for smartphone users everywhere as a result of the growing use of smartphones. The most prevalent security concerns that smartphone users need to be aware of will be covered in this post. Malware Attacks The term “malware” refers to a category of malicious software that can infect your smartphone through a variety of methods, including app downloads, opening email attachments, and clicking on links in phishing emails. Malware …
Do you think that your home is safe? While it’s impossible to completely eradicate the risk of accidents occurring in the home (especially if you have children or pets!) there are plenty of steps that you can take to make your home a safer environment for you and your family. Of course, safety is always a top priority, so without further ado, here are some top tips to help you ensure that your home is as safe as it can possibly be. Damp No one likes damp – but when it gains a foothold in your home, it can be …
I was originally intending on spending this morning drafting out my weekly linky posts and such like. However, due to a recent security issue I have chosen to take a break from blogging. Whilst I adore blogging, my family will always come first. Their safety and security is my top priority and for this reason my blog and social media posts may be few and far between for the time being. Thanks for your understanding. Rach