So here we are at the end of March already and as always, I’ve sifted through my snapshots of the month gone by and have come up with my ‘top ten highlights’ from the past however many weeks to share some of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout the month. Brace Yourself After almost two years of struggling with endless orthodontic appointments, J finally had the metal removed from his mouth and he is now brace-free (apart from night times when he’s to wear a lifelong retainer) and he couldn’t be happier as he is now able to chew …
March is a month of transformation as the clocks spring forward, the lighter nights arrive, fields are filled with lambs, and the hedgerows are painted yellow with delightful daffodils swaying like cheerleaders waving pom poms as they wave us into spring. March has been a busy month as it seems that we’ve squeezed every appointment and activity possible into the past however many weeks and though it’s been manageable and enjoyable, it’s also been rather exhausting for us all. So without any further waffle, here are a few of my #LittleLoves and memories that made during March 2023. Read Though …