Though I’ve read Tarot since I was a mere twelve years old, it wasn’t until earlier last year that I began consulting the cards on a daily basis. Rather than just drawing a single, daily card, I prefer to combine a number of divination techniques and tools, merging Tarot cards with Runestones/ Rune cards, alongside Oracle cards for a more definitive and detailed reading. Though there are literally thousands of Tarot card decks available on the market and I’m incredibly lucky to have a great number of these from which to choose from and to work with, there aren’t so …
rune cards
We’ve had a pretty awesome April all things considered and most of that was thanks to the wonderful weather, the lighter nights, and the easing of the lockdown measures. Things are beginning to feel a little more settled these days which is a good thing, though I still find it really difficult to process all that has happened throughout the past year. However, I am doing my best to keep smiling and to keep trooping on and so here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past month. Paul’s Brilliant Birthday Paul turned thirty-eight at …