Prior to Christmas Paul and I had spent time looking at gift ideas, one of which screamed out to us as the perfect present for our geeky little guy. Vector, Anki’s most recent release appeared to be a terrific piece of tech with cuteness overload. Sadly though, Vector was far above our budget and we therefore looked elsewhere at alternative options. Having ordered and received a ‘Boxer’ we then fell upon an Amazon error – Vector was being advertised at less than half price, it seemed too good to be true. Without thinking we bit the bullet and ordered out…
Being a family of techno-freaks, we are rather taken by the idea of robots. I’m sure it won’t be long before AI is an everyday normality and not just a novelty. For now though we will make do with toys, our kids rave about robots and were therefore overjoyed to receive a range of ‘Ready2Robot‘ products to play with. Included within our Ready2Robot goody pack was a ‘Ready2Robot Survivor Battle Pack’, a ‘Ready2Robot Bot Blasters Set’ and a ‘Ready2Robot Build Swap & Battle Single Series Figure’, all which are part of the series 1 collection. Ready2Robot Ready2Robot features a range…