Like most nine-year old boys, my son J is very much into gaming and if he isn’t busy playing on a console then he’s either watching videos of other people doing so, or sat with paper and a pencil designing his own levels and characters for his own games. J has a rather large collection of gaming based characters and figures, these are something which he seems to enjoy playing with and although I’m forever finding random figurines lying around the house in all kinds of places, if they keep his mind occupied and his eyes away from a screen …
Being the ultimate geek, our son J is really into gaming related figures and plush toys including Angry Birds, Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Minecraft, Terraria and of course Lego! His bedroom is much like a gamers paradise, choc-a-block with computer gaming based novelties and knick-knacks. Roblox Much to J’s delight we were recently sent the latest range of Roblox toys to try out and to toy with. Roblox is one of the world’s largest social platforms for play powering the imaginations of people Worldwide. Roblox is available to play on a wide range of platforms including PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Amazon Devices …