It’s so almost half term and boy do we need a break – it’s not just us adults who are feeling weary but the kids seem pretty worn-out too. Life seems so fast-paced and full-on right now and I think the kids feel much the same as I do. It’s not too long now before the clocks go back and we plunge into the darkness of winter and though I’m fairly sure it won’t be long before we see another national lockdown – I for one will be quite happy to stay at home if only to get some rest. …
As of today we finally got back into some kind of routine. J started back at school yesterday but as it was E’s day off from nursery we went to the local Tots group, had a brew and caught up with some friends. I managed to get a few things done but it wasn’t ‘normal routine’ as such. It was only this morning when E returned to Nursery that I finally got back into a routine of having some time alone. It was great to catch up on the chores and to take stock following the Christmas break. I got …