As I’ve said many times before in past posts, our little lady E is rather taken with the concept of cosmetics. Whether its bath products, makeup, nail varnish, jewellery, accessories or fashion, E seems to have creative vision and flair for style. As my husband and I have firmly established E is a girly girl, a diva through and through, god help us when she hits the teenage years as no doubt she will cost us a fortune in cosmetics! As you can imagine E was therefore overjoyed when we were recently sent the ‘Project Mc2 Camryn Doll & Nail …
Project MC2
Did you know it was National Science Week this week? As part of the celebrations we were very kindly asked to join forces with ‘Project Mc2’ and carry out some experiments of our own with the ‘Project MC2 H2O Nail Science Lab Kit‘. Our little lady may only be three-years of age but she already takes great pleasure in getting glammed up whether it’s having her hair styled, playing with her Mummy’s makeup or painting her nails. And as well as taking some nail art courses, there are other ways to help encourage this kind of creativity. She was therefore delighted …
As girls tend to do, E has become ever so slightly ‘Barbie obsessed’. She now has about five Barbie style dolls all of which she loves dearly, including her new ‘Ember Evergreen Project MC 2 Experiment Doll’ which was very kindly sent to us to review. What Is Project MC2? Project MC2 (pronounced ‘Project MC-Squared) is an online (Netflix) American TV series set in the fictitious city of Maywood Glen, California. Revolving around the fields of STEAM, McKeyla McAlister and her friends work for a government organisation called NOV8 (pronounced ‘Innovate’), a highly secretive , girly group who are …