Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series celebrating the positive aspects of the month that you are very welcome to join. Here are some of my #LittleLoves from February. Read Having read and thoroughly enjoyed Evie Woods ‘The Lost Bookshop’, I decided to look for further Times recommended reads and came across Monica Heisey’s ‘Really Good Actually’. After ordering, receiving, and reading the first few pages of this I couldn’t help but find myself gripped. I’m currently midway through this modern take on Bridget Jones and although the story is a little sad in places, I’m …
Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. I was contemplating as to whether to bother even writing this post this month as quite honestly, I’m finding it really difficult to see the positive in anything at present. It’s been an incredibly tough month and I don’t wish to elaborate any further on the details but, I’m struggling. Despite my struggles, I thought it worthwhile trying to find and document the ‘glimmers’ rather than ditching my monthly linky entirely, so here goes… Read I haven’t really read all that much …
I’m not a big fan of September as it’s always a busy month especially with the return to school, to work, and with the darker nights drawing in. This year has been no exception as we’ve been inundated with appointments, activities, occasions, and events to attend all of which we’ve managed and made the most of though it has been tiring. Without further ado, here are some of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout September. Back To School It was a staggered start for the kids this year as they returned to school within a week of each other. …