Can you Adam and Eve it? It’s only bleeding Friday already, where the hell did half term go to? We’ve been that blumming busy that it feels as I’ve barely blinked and a whole week has gone by! Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past seven days or so. Read Having received a frighteningly formal letter last week regarding a certain speeding ticket I’ve since heard back from the boys in blue and as luck would have it I have been offered a speeding awareness course (either that or a £100 fine and 3 points on my license …
pirates of the caribbean
Given that J’s birthday party was almost a week ago now I’ve got no idea why or how I haven’t documented it by now and it’s pointless trying to offer excuses but my minds been elsewhere. The day seemed to fly by at warp speed leaving me very little chance to stand back and to take it all in. It’s only now looking back whilst finding homes for his many gifts that I’ve been able to reflect upon it all. We began the day by singing Happy Birthday to the little man whilst sharing cuddles in bed then headed downstairs to watch …