I’m not sure about you but I’m a sucker for having an oversized phone, not only am I half blind so require a large screen to actually see what I’m sending but I also enjoy the fact that I have something between a phone and a tablet in terms of size, my IPhone 7 Plus very quickly made our IPad redundant, this freed up the IPad for E who has since covered her beloved tablet with a Frozen cover and made it her own. Having a large phone is great but it can give you achy hands should you use it …
It’s been precisely ten years since my husband and I made it official and tied the knot. Ten bleeding years, that’s almost a life sentence! Rather than going all out and celebrating in style we’ve cut back a little to save our spends for our upcoming holiday. We are however planning to mosey on up to the local for a few bevvys and a boogie later on this evening which should be good all being well. After a rather restless night being moidered by our three-year old monster I wasn’t entirely sure whether this was Earth never mind what day …