With it being Fathers Day I thought that I’d steer clear of the ‘stereotypical scenic shot’ and instead I decided to share this rather summery snap of my husband Paul. My husband is the most amazing Father, whilst the kids refer to him as ‘Daddy’ I’m fairly sure that his actual title should be ‘Superhero’. There is no job too big and no job too difficult for Paul when it comes to his Daddy duties. Ever since day one when I first found out that I was expecting our beautiful boy J, Paul has been there by my side sharing …
So the husband turned twenty-one again today, we’ve had dinner out, a night out, dinner with the in-laws and a trip to the swimming baths followed by shopping with the kids to celebrate. I don’t know about Paul but I certainly enjoyed myself! After a fun-filled weekend I have to say I am utterly exhausted and cannot wait to strip off, lay back in the bath then get into warm, fluffy towels before getting into my jim-jams and heading to bed. I think Paul is also feeling pretty worse for wear too. He was up till late then woke early and following a …
This weeks ‘MySundayPhoto‘ is dedicated to my lobster, by which I am referring to my amazing husband Paul. This guy is my rock and without him things just wouldn’t work. We’ve ridden some pretty rough waves over the past few weeks and somehow Paul manages to keep us both afloat. Let’s hope that this week brings a fresh start, new beginnings and happier times. Happy Sunday folks, thanks for reading as always and apologies for my lack of words. It’s simply not natural using anything other than my beloved Mac! Lets hope she is back in working order shortly and normality resumes in all …