It’s been almost eighteen months since the pandemic first hit the UK and our lives completely changed. It’s not been easy nor all that enjoyable, especially for the children who’ve missed out on school, time with their family and friends, and outdoor opportunities (for those without a garden or an outdoor space) as at one point the public were limited to only an hours exercise outdoors per day. Never for a moment did I think that I’d be bringing my children up in the midst of what is essentially a plague, yet here we are and though it’s been immensely …
outdoor play
Once again I’m posting late in the day as we’ve had yet another busy day, I say busy when in actual fact I mean emotional. We took our beautiful basset hound to the vets earlier on this afternoon and received some rather devastating news which we have since spent hours absorbing and discussing as a family. I’ll write a separate post upon this shortly but as you can imagine, it’s not been the easiest of days so bear with me. Fun With Face Paints We’ve experienced some fairly stormy weather over the past couple of days but that hasn’t stopped …
Welcome to this weeks edition of #LivingArrows, a weekly post in which I share a snap or two of my little ones. As you may have seen last week I shared a few pictures of my happy hopper J bouncing around the garden. Following countless arguments and ‘waiting for turns’ I finally caved and bought yet another hopper enabling the children to bounce alongside each other or in other words race. This isn’t a particularly fantastic shot due to the terrible lighting and lack of eye contact from the kids, never the less it’s an honest picture of parenting. Two …
Welcome to this weeks #LivingArrows post, a weekly post in which I share a couple of snaps taken of my wonderful children (I swear there’s not a hint of sarcasm there at all!) Half term is officially over, the kids have returned to routine and I’ve found myself able to finally focus and get a few things done around the house. No longer am I swamped by piles of post awaiting reading or filing, the house is mostly clean and I have even been able to catch up with a few soaps whilst getting some work done. I am yet to address …
Since moving house almost five years ago Paul and I have found ourselves groaning at the garden year in year out as despite endless prodding, poking and pruning we still have the worst drainage imaginable resulting in a garden akin to a swamp. At one side of the garden we have a rather dated greenhouse which I fear could pose potential danger for the kids and a shed, which in my opinion faces the wrong direction and is placed slap bang in the muddiest portion of the garden making accessing said shed near impossible unless you dare venture down the …