Jee Wizz January has felt like it has gone on forever! The dark, dank winter days seem to have dragged, I’m not a fan of the cold nor January, to be honest. On a positive note, here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past thirty-one, long, dull days. New Year As always we brought in the new year at home and for the first time this year our son stayed up to share the celebrations with us. I rather enjoyed watching the fireworks from London with the little man in tow, though I’m not…
It hasn’t been the most relaxed nor restful start to the half term holidays. I spent this morning visiting the A&E department for a second set of X-rays to assess the damage done during a fall earlier last week, meanwhile Paul took the dog to the vets (where she was being spayed and having a lump removed from her head) then left the kids with my folks before rushing off to take the Mini for a service. Having established that the fracture is in fact ripped ligaments, I then made my way to Tesco where I played trolley dash before…
September has been none-stop, there has barely been a second for us to suspend service and to sit down. My body is desperate for a much-needed rest but up until now I simply haven’t had the chance to allow myself the luxury of lazing about. I’m well aware that I’m far from the only female rushing around like a headless chicken at this time of the year, so without further whining or waffle, here are a few of the things which I have ‘liked and loved’ throughout the past month. Back To School The kids and I started back at…