February has very quickly come to a close and though it’s the shortest month of the year it seems to have been the busiest so far for us. Here are a few of the things that we have #LikedandLoved throughout the past twenty-odd days. Eighteen Years Together Paul and I celebrated eighteen years together this month. It really doesn’t feel like eighteen years since we went out on our first date but time obviously flies when you’re having fun. Valentines Day As usual, Paul and I celebrated Valentine’s Day a day earlier than most (as it merges with our anniversary). …
ninja warrior
Whilst I’d made a long list of plans for the half term, I have put them to one side for the time being as both J & E began their holidays with a bug. Having spent the weekend resting and recuperating, I’m hoping that we can get things back on track and get out and about whilst we have the time together. E spent the majority of the weekend either snuggling on the sofa or glued to my side, I hate seeing her unwell and other than cuddles and Calpol, there’s very little else I can do. Despite being a …
Late last year Paul booked us all in for a fun-filled day at Wacky World – an inflatable assault course which tours the UK, offering entertainment at an exhausting level. Neither J or E had seen anything of the sort before and were thrilled at the chance to let off some steam and to build up a sweat. It was so wonderful to watch the kids as they ran around ‘Wacky World’ giving anything and everything a go. Our Ninja Warrior The kids had no fear, they were more than happy to throw themselves from great heights clattering into crash …
Half term has officially come to an end and we were sure to bring it to a close with a bang! Earlier this afternoon we took the kids along to ‘Wacky World’, a travelling inflatable obstacle course akin to Ninja Warrior. Both the kids and us adults had an amazing afternoon, although we were utterly exhausted by the time that we had finished bouncing, running, climbing and generally working up a sweat. Paul and I may have taken the gladiator style challenges a little too seriously, it very quickly became a brawl rather than a battle! J had an absolute …