The weekend is once again upon us, I can’t say that I’ve got the Friday feeling as I am fully aware that it’s going to be one hell of a busy weekend with one thing or another. Anyhow, getting back onto topic and looking at things from with a positive perspective, here are my #LittleLoves from the past seven days. Read In terms of physical books I cannot say I’ve read much of anything over the past week. It’s been all about the Bailie, Natasha Bailie that is and her venture away from Channel Mum into the World of working autonomously without restrictions. …
natasha bailie
Has it really been a week since I last wrote my list of #LittleLoves? It seriously doesn’t feel like seven days have passed since I last sat at my laptop to review the week gone by. With being in such a strict routine I find that time slips through my fingers which seems such a shame since things as we currently know it may soon change. Read I’ve been back to the Bailie, by which I mean that I’m back to reading Natasha Bailie, one of my favourite bloggers who almost a year ago inspired me to become a blogger myself. Natasha Bailie is an awe-inspiring …