I’m not a huge fan of November, not only is it one of the most miserable months of the year weather-wise, it’s historically been the month for tragedies and loss within our family, and whilst I’d hoped to avoid such sorrows this year, sadly that’s not the case. Looking on the brighter side, which is difficult to do with all the short days and lengthy dark nights, here are a few of the things that we, as a family, have #LikedandLoved throughout the month. Fun Watching Fireworks Bonfire Night was thankfully a clear, dry evening and we celebrated the event …
I would have written this post earlier today but after stupidly attempting to open a bottle using a pair of kitchen scissors, I’ve spent the majority of my evening sat in A&E having my thumb cleaned, stuck back together and dressed. I wouldn’t mind but we’d literally just walked back into house following the fifty minute drive back from town, then moments later had to head straight back towards Barrow, leaving the kids with their Grandparents which wasn’t exactly the Saturday night that I had planned. I was hoping to carry on as usual but following stern advice to keep …
It’s officially the last day of September and once again time for me to write-up the things that I have ‘Liked and Loved’ throughout the past month. It’s been a busy month for many reasons, I for one feel as if I’ve barely had time to breathe there’s been that much going on, here’s hoping October is a little less ‘chaotic’ but given the amount of bookings that we have for various gigs, parties and such-like that is highly doubtful! So without further ado, here are a few of the things that I have ‘Liked and Loved‘ throughout September 2017. …
This past week seems to have been endless and as a result both Paul and I are utterly exhausted. Please therefore excuse my lack of enthusiasm whilst writing this weeks #LittleLoves post but following a busy day at work, a heart wrenching conversation with the vet and a much-appreciated visit from my folks I am feeling a little worse for ware. I suppose the best way to beat a bad day is to focus on the positives and to think ‘happy thoughts’ so what better than to write my #LittleLoves from the week? Read I’ve actually made time for my ‘Inbox’ this week …
Another week has whizzed by at warp speed and I’m once again sat at my desk with my MacBook at the ready to share a few of my #LittleLoves from the past seven days or so. Read I have said time and time again that I’ll pick up a book and wedge my hooter that’ll be by nose chaps firmly into its pages but I simply haven’t had the time nor inclination to read much of anything. Unless reading bars of Music whilst learning to mix counts as ‘reading’ then I should really skip this section and move on… Watched Despite apparently …