Created by Kara Simons and illustrated by Mari in the Sky, The Song of the Grandmothers Oracle was a successful Kickstarter campaign that first came into production in the summer of 2022. Featuring sixty-six fortifying messages from a range of botanical, elemental, and animal Grandmothers, this deck is a bright, beautiful, and rather charming nature-inspired collaborative effort from Kara and Mari that has very quickly become one of my all-time favoured decks to accompany daily Tarot readings. About Kara Simons Kara is a stay-at-home Mom and works part-time as an attorney. Back in 2017, Kara felt the urge to explore …
mari in the sky
Published in late 2020, The Gentle Tarot was a hugely popular and greatly successful Kickstarter deck designed and created by the terrifically talented Mariza Ryce Aparicio-Tovar (better known as Mari in the Sky). Two years later, Mariza has continued to develop her brand by revamping and republishing The Gentle Tarot as both a linen edition and a pocket-sized version of this gorgeous, graceful, nature-inspired deck. Mari In The Sky Mariza Ryce Aparicio-Tovar better known as ‘Mari in the Sky’ is a nature-inspired illustrator who creates beautiful hand-drawn art that is directly influenced by her spiritual background and life which she …