Can you believe that we are at the end of June already?! Despite the pandemic making most days much like Groundhog Day, time sure seems to be whizzing by of late. It’s quite satisfying looking back at all that we’ve done over the past thirty days, so without further ado here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout June The Half Term Holidays Though it feels like a lifetime ago, half term was only three weeks back and we had such a great week. Not only did Paul and I manage to blast through a tonne…
It’s been almost eighteen months since the pandemic first hit the UK and our lives completely changed. It’s not been easy nor all that enjoyable, especially for the children who’ve missed out on school, time with their family and friends, and outdoor opportunities (for those without a garden or an outdoor space) as at one point the public were limited to only an hours exercise outdoors per day. Never for a moment did I think that I’d be bringing my children up in the midst of what is essentially a plague, yet here we are and though it’s been immensely…
Life is slowly and steadily returning to a new sort of ‘normal’ and boy does it feel good to enjoy a slice of normality for once. It’s been almost a year since I last had my hair cut and though I’m well aware it’s very much a ‘first world issue’ – I’ve put up with having thick, lengthy locks for months now and it was beginning to get slightly unmanageable. Late last week I finally ‘went for the chop’ – it was so nice to take some time to have my hair cut, straightened, and styled by a professional, that …
So here we are, at the second half of the second academic term of the year still living in lockdown. Don’t get me wrong, I personally believe it’s much better for us to be staying safe at home than risking our health (and possibly our lives) by being out and about, but my goodness me, lockdown ain’t easy! I’m quite the organised soul and so keeping track of meetings, tasks, work set and all the things that the kids need to be getting on with whilst homeschooling is fine and dandy for me but I’m well aware that the kids…
It’s currently the February half-term holidays and as we technically cannot go anywhere or do much of anything as we are still ‘living in lockdown’, we’ve done our best to have a holiday at home. The kids are rather enjoying having a break from the books and I’m hoping that it won’t be too long before we can return to normality. Though I’m getting a little tired of refereeing the enitvitable sibling squabbles which seem to arise from time to time, the odd argument here and there is hardly surprising given that we’re all stuck sharing the same four walls…