Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. It’s been a busy old month here in this household. Thankfully ‘school’s now out for the summer‘ and we can relax and enjoy a bit of a rest. Here are some of my #LittleLoves from the past thirty-odd days or so… Read With our holidays fast approaching I treated myself to a couple of books to keep me entertained on the flight. I opted for some easy reads as I’ll no doubt lack the motivation and brain power to fathom much else.…
I am finally feeling back to myself and now have a whole load of housework and chores to catch up on from the past week or two. I’m not entirely sure what I did before having children but I am damn sure that I didn’t spend half as much time cleaning and washing the house and it’s contents. I’m not saying that I was a dirty girl as being a OCD freak I am pretty sure that I kept the house looking tidy back then. Whether it’s spending more time in the house and therefore being more aware of my surroundings or…
Being Organised & Making Life Lists I am a list maker, I love the satisfaction of being able to tick off completed tasks. It’s like a mental pat on the back, because trust me, it’s not as if anyone one else would ever give me a high-five for some of the crap that I write on my many lists. Christ, I’m almost certain Paul believes in fairies, the housework fairies that is. He must think the fairies visit our house and get all the little things done, either that or he just doesn’t notice the lack of dust and grime …