Welcome to my brand new linky – My Five Favourite Monthly Moments aka #MFFMM. This series will go live on the last day of each month and will celebrate five favourite moments from the month gone by. You are most welcome to participate either by submitting comments on these posts or by creating your own posts (on a blog, social media platform, or website) and then adding your link below. So without further ado, here are My Five Favourite Monthly Moments (#MFFMM) from January 2024: New Year Paul and I usually spend New Year’s Eve snuggled on the sofa flicking …
Happy New Year and welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. Whilst January has been a bit of a wet, windy, and wild month in terms of the weather, we’ve tried our best to stay dry, warm, and cosey shielded away from the worst of it. Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past month whilst I’ve been ‘hermiting’ indoors… Read The Sunday Times will forever be associated with memories of my late Father, it was the one newspaper that he insisted on having every week …
Up until the end of 2022 #LivingArrows was a weekly linky hosted by Donna from WhatTheRedheadSaid. Each week I’d take part in this lovely linky, sharing snapshots to celebrate memories from my children’s lives as they grew. J is now thirteen and, being the very clever and wise soul that he is, no longer feels as comfortable with his photos being shared online. Whereas E who is currently the grand age of nine years old is happy to have her photos taken thus I’ve decided to continue with the #LivingArrows linky, though it will now be on a monthly basis. …
Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one bar February with twenty-eight or twenty-nine days dependent on the leap year and January which seems to have three thousand… January sure has dragged, I’m aware that people often refer to this particular month as ‘the blue month’ and I can absolutely see why! Though the glass seems more than half empty at this point, I’ve managed to scrape together some positive points from the past however many days (it feels like January has gone on forever) so without any further waffle, here are some of my #LittleLoves …
I don’t mean to come across as a negative Nancy but I’m so relieved that January is finally done, dusted and swept under the carpet for another year. It’s never been one of my favoured months, what with the sudden removal of the twinkly lights following Christmas, and the dark, dank weather – I am not a winter woman! With that said, here are some of the things that I have LikedandLoved throughout the past thirty-one days. Happy New Year We started the new year with a bang as we stayed at my Mum’s for the night to celebrate (into the …