Whilst we’d planned to spend the day celebrating at the Sandcastle with the kids, Blackpool was put on the back burner following a restless night with our little lady. Poor E still isn’t herself, she’s struggling with a nasty cough and to be honest it’s just as well as Paul seems to have come down with some sort of stomach bug. It hasn’t been the best birthday for Paul this year, he’s told me as such which makes me feel pretty bad but I’m no doctor so what can I do?! I’m not entirely impressed with having spent the past …
Today seems to be the day for running endless errands most of which have taken place from the comfort of my home office space yet require some serious brain space which I am currently lacking. I’ve at least managed to tick off a few jobs from the never-ending ‘to do’ list which is usually wedged at the forefront of my mind given that I’m a freak of nature and cannot help but to be overly organised. I’m a total ‘list lover’ and under normal circumstances revel in the idea of putting information together into files, folders and such like but …
It’s been a total waste of a weekend, I’ve had the pleasure of contracting some virus or other which has totally knocked me, my appetite and my body for six. I somehow managed to get through a couple of bar shifts but was very firmly told to take things easy after almost passing out whilst pulling pints. It’s only gone eight o’clock on a Sunday evening and rather than rallying around getting the kids ready for bed, tidying and organising the house ready for the week ahead as I would usually do on a Sunday I’m majorly medicated, snuggled in my …
Today has been a total wash out, E and I have spent most of the morning curled up in our jim jams following an all-nighter with the latest bug to hit the household. It started at around 1.30am this morning when E woke coughing and unable to catch her breath. I scooped her out of bed, located her inhaler and began administering the usual calpol, cough syrup and piriton in hope that it may relieve E’s symptoms. I was a midges doo dah away from ringing an ambulance as each time E coughed she would become breathless and panicked. She wasn’t the …