Welcome to the fifth post in the ‘Blogging Behind The Scenes’ series. Throughout the ‘Blogging Behind The Scenes’ series both myself and a group of bloggers will be sharing our experiences and advice upon a range of blogging related topics, this week we are focusing upon working with brands, how bloggers first got started working with companies and whether they love or loathe doing so. Working With Brands After having my first child back in 2009 I setup ‘Mums Baby Magazine’ an online magazine of sorts. Mums Baby Magazine was a website entirely dedicated to sharing information, tips and advice for new parents. Having found…
As much as I love my man, there are times when I think ‘really?!’ I hate to whine but there are times when a lady has to blow off some serious steam and last night I did just that… on the internet. Perhaps it wasn’t right of me to reel off realms of men-bashing material online but it’s what came out on my blog at that moment in time. I think that we need to question what a blog is for? I personally use my blog to share life as it is, real life! No instashams or fakebook crap here, move…